Using Filters in the Teamable app

Filters are available on the Jobs page, Campaigns page, CRM page, any individual Job page, and on the sourcing interface. They can help sort and find specific Jobs, campaigns or candidates that will meet the criteria you set.

Learn more about sourcing specific filters here!

By default, your Jobs and Campaigns will be filtered by your own Jobs/Campaigns "Mine only" and  "Jobs/Campaign Status: Open". If you want to view your teammate's Jobs/Campaigns OR view Closed Jobs/Campaigns, select the X to remove the filter. For more information on "Mine only" and "Status: Open" check out Viewing Teammates' Jobs/Campaigns.

Job Page Filters Options

Job & Campaign Filters include the following options:

  • Has the text - Filter and show any keywords, job/campaign names, or profile information with the text provided
  • Tag - Filter and show Jobs by specific tags

Selecting "All Filters" will trigger a slide-out with additional options, including:

  • Name - Filter and show a Candidate name and it's corresponding Job
  • Team - Filter and show Jobs by team (only for users with multiple teams)
  • Job - Filter and show a Job by name
  • Job and Campaign status - Filter and show open or closed Jobs / active or deactivated campaigns
  • Mine Only - checkbox for jobs/campaigns you're associated with
  • Date sourced - Filter Jobs with sourcing activity in a particular timeframe
  • Creator - Filter by Job creator
  • Sourcer - Filter and show Jobs by Sourcer
  • Reviewer - Filter and show Jobs by Reviewer (only on the Jobs page)
  • Sender - Filter and show Jobs by Sender

"Clear all" will clear all filters, including "Mine only" and "Jobs Status: Open"

CRM Page Filter Options

CRM tab filters include the following options:


  • Has the text - Filter and show any Candidate's name or profile information with the text provided
  • Job - Filter and show Candidates by the Job
  • Candidate status - Filter and show Candidates with specific statuses. Refer to this article on Candidate Statuses for information on each status.
  • Origin - Show and filter Candidates by the original source utilized to save the candidate into Teamable (Extension, Stream, CSV, Referral Network, ATS)
  • Date last activity - Filter on a date range that the candidate was last contacted
  • Date sourced - Filter and show Candidates sourced in a date range

Selecting "All Filters" will trigger a slide-out with additional options, including:

  • Name - Filter and show a Candidate name and it's corresponding Job
  • Team - Filter and show Jobs by team (only for users with multiple teams)
  • Location - Filter and show candidates by location
  • Local Timezone - Filter and show candidates by timezone
  • Timezone delta - Filter by the difference in hours from selected timezone
  • Campaign - Filter and show Candidates by a Campaign name
  • Campaign status - Filter and show candidates in campaigns with a particular status (Active/Deactivated)
  • Outreach type - Show and filter Candidates by the original source utilized to engage the candidate (Outbound, Referral, Inbound, LinkedIn InMail)
  • Tags - Filter and show Candidates sourced with a particular tag
  • No email address - Filter only candidates Teamable could not find a valid email for
  • Favorites only - Filter only favorited candidates
  • Reminder Scheduled - Filter and show candidates that have reminders scheduled
  • Connected to referral network - Filter only candidates connected to your employee referral network
  • Waiting for "Teamable" to respond - Filter only candidates currently being Processed by Teamable for an automatic reply


  • Company - Filter candidates with current OR past experience at a given company or set of companies
  • Current Company - Filter candidates currently employed at a given company or set of companies
  • Years of total experience - Filter candidates with X years total work experience
  • Months at current company - Filter candidates with X months experience at their current job


  • Dated Sourced/Reached/Responded/Last activity - Filter and show Candidates that were either sourced, the First Message sent out, responded to an outreach or some activity within a specified date range
  • Sourcer - Filter and show Candidates by the Sourcer
  • Reviewer - Filter and show Candidates by the Reviewer
  • Sender - Filter and show Candidates by the Sender

"Clear all" will remove all filters

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