Using Smart Filters

Our search experience is designed to allow you refine a pool of candidates that are most relevant for each job. As you find & recruit great candidates, our AI engine will look across key candidate details & orders the best candidates based on what we know you like.

Always Calibrate First

Whenever you access the "Sourcing" interface, you'll want to make sure you've correctly tuned your Calibration candidates first. This tunes the AI similarity model that is used to rank and order your candidate lists - it will never exclude candidates. Learn more here: Calibration Candidates

Calibrating and filtering for each job context applies your ranking and criteria across ALL candidate channels (for Premium users) allowing you to find the best candidates fast no matter if they are passive, applied through your job postings, possible referrals, or people from your CRM ready to re-engage.

Filter Options

The filters in the Sourcing section help you refine fundamental criteria within the context of each specific job. Where the AI model never excludes candidates, the filters will begin to alter the candidate pool size. Along the top you'll see a list of common filters, but we recommend selecting the "All Filters" button for a full range of options.

Above any search box where you can utilize Boolean search strings you'll see this indicator which can help you keep track of how your OR/AND strings are constructed:

Better than Boolean

Teamable's Smart Filters allow more nuance than traditional Boolean strings. Color coded pills allow you to set hard criteria (with an option to limit that to recent employments), soft criteria, or dealbreakers. Clicking any single criteria pill will tell you what the current status is (in this case 'hard criteria') and give the ability to remove the criteria or change its status:

"Hard criteria"

Selecting "Hard criteria" changes the token to completely green and means all candidates MUST meet that criteria or they will be excluded.

"Soft criteria"

Selecting "Soft criteria" changes the token to completely blue and means that candidates without that criteria are not excluded, but will rank higher if they have it.


Selecting "Disqualifier" changes the token to completely red and acts like a Boolean NOT meaning candidates with that criteria will be completely excluded from your candidate pools.

Filters are divided into the following sections:

Top filters

Keeping filters to a minimum is an important strategy and a Teamable best practice. This allows the AI similarity model to better rank your candidates and surface great matches that may not list an abundance of keywords. These 5 are the most successfully used across our customers:

  • Keywords - Blue 'Soft criteria' are recommended here as keywords are important, but can often be the most limiting when it comes to pool size
  • Current title - Consider using 'Dealbreaker' here to exclude titles that may not fit
  • Location - We'll pull this from the job description when possible
  • Industry - The dropdown allows you to select broad industries, but try typing to see more nuanced sub-industries
  • Years since graduation - This filter is a great proxy for total years of real world work experience as it excludes internship experience


Here you'll find things like relevant timezones for remote jobs, tags, ATS candidate sources, etc.


Here you may consider looking at any previous titles held, education information, and company experience.


This filter section is a real differentiator and shows enriched candidate company data such as growth rates during candidate tenure, company funding round stage experience, etc.

Team & Activity

Here you'll find filters most relevant to your CRM and ATS candidates helping you look at who you've reached before, when, how they responded, what stage they progressed through, etc.

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