Variables: First Name, Last Name, Company, Personalized Content, Job Title, Calendar, Signature

You can customize your Teamable messaging templates using variables. The variables are placeholders for the candidate's information such as their first name and their current company. They will auto-populate with a candidate's information once the message goes out to the candidate.

To use a variable, simply click on it in the toolbar, or click and drag it into the editor.

Available variables in the Teamable Template Editor:

First Name - The candidate's first name will fill in.

Last Name - The candidate's last name will fill in.

Sender's Name - The campaign sender's name will fill in (as designated in the "Send as" setting).

Company - The candidate's latest place of employment will fill in.

Personalized Content - Teamable will generate a customized sentence based on the candidate's profile based on their experience or skills. We highly recommend adding this to your Campaign's First Message for more customized outreach and for combating email clients spam filters. Learn more in-depth about the personalized content variable here.

Job Title - The job title will fill in, as it is named in Teamable.

Calendar - If you have set up a calendar link in your User Profile Settings, this variable will be available to you. Check out Integrating Calendar Link into a Campaign for more information.

Signature - By default, you signature will just be your name. You can edit your signature in your User Settings. Check out Editing your Signature for more information.

In the Teamable Template Editor, you can select the "Preview" tab to see an example of a possible outreach.

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