Sourcing in Teamable

*Access to our candidate database and AI driven sourcing engine are available only to users on the Plus and Premium plans*

Step 1. Navigate to the "Sourcing" tab located in the sidebar on the right hand side of the screen.

Step 2. Select a job from the dropdown or, if you'd like to create a brand new search, you can select "Create new" to start a new job.

Step 3. Check "Summary" section. The summary provides all of the main information you'd find on the Job's Configuration such as title, Location, and any reviewers that are set. Once a job is selected you'll see a light blue "View" button that will take you to the Job if you need to alter the configuration.

Step 4. Check the Calibration candidates section.

  • Learn more about the AI similarity calibration here
  • AI sourcing recommendations are driven from a combination of filter criteria and similarity to calibration candidates.
  • Calibration candidates are chosen based on recent activity in Teamable and in your ATS where applicable.
  • If you have someone perfect in mind, you may add a calibration candidate using a LinkedIn URL, or pin a candidate so that they always drive future recommendations.

  • When a candidate isn't right for the job any more, remove them. We'll add that person to a blacklist, and won't use them to compute similarity.

Step 5. Now you can begin recruiting or rejecting candidates from the list below. You'll see AI Recommended candidates, but also candidates that are more likely to respond and even be able to look at matches across your Inbound ATS Applicants, Referral network, and existing Teamable CRM.

Candidates are displayed in order of their star rating, shown underneath their profile photo.

You can help the model adjust rank and produce better results by leaving feedback on attributes you like and dislike. You can also use filters to help refine your hard criteria, 'nice to have' attributes, and dealbreakers.

If you want to see the candidate's full profile on Teamable, select their name or profile picture to see the candidate slide-out. You can also recruit a candidate, adjust criteria, and page through profiles from this more detailed view.

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