Creating and Managing Campaigns

Creating an Outbound Campaign

You can create a new outbound campaign on the Campaigns page or within a Job. If you do not have a Job already (ATS integrated users will already have them), check out Creating a new Job to get started.

Step 1a. To create an outbound campaign within a Job, navigate to the Job you want to create a new campaign for and select "New campaign" in the top right corner.

Fill in the necessary information for your new campaign:

  • Name the campaign.
  • Select the Sender in the "Send as" section. You can choose yourself "Me" or another Teammate on your Team.
  • Select the Reply Handler in the "Reply handling" section. If the Sender is yourself, you can only choose yourself "Me". You will have the option to select a Teammate if the Sender is a Teammate.

Then, select "Create".

Step 1b. To create an outbound campaign from the campaigns page, navigate to the Campaigns page and select "New campaign" in the top right corner.

Fill in the necessary information for your new campaign:

  • Select the parent Job for the new campaign.
  • Name the campaign.
  • Select the Sender in the "Send as" section. You can choose yourself "Me" or another Teammate on your Team.
  • Select the Reply Handler in the "Reply handling" section. If the Sender is yourself, you can only choose yourself "Me". You will have the option to select a Teammate if the Sender is a Teammate.

Then, select "Create".

Check out these articles for more information on SOBO (sending on behalf of) and ROBO (replying on behalf of).

Step 2. Once you select "Create", we will create the initial message and three follow-up messages. This should take 30 to 90 seconds.

If you have AI Sourcing enabled (Plus & Premium pplans only), you can select "Start sourcing" to view suggested candidates for your Job and begin sourcing. There will be a progress bar at the bottom of the page to update you on the campaign creation progress.

If you select "Go to campaign", you will be taken to the campaign page where you can edit replies and settings while the campaign is being generated.

Otherwise, you can wait for the campaign to finish generating, and you will be able to choose again between sourcing or going directly to the campaign.

Editing a Campaign

Once a campaign has been generated, you can make edits to the initial message, follow-ups, replies, and change settings as needed on the campaign page.

Step 1. On the "First Message" tab, you can generate a new campaign on the top right, or you can edit the initial message directly. Changes will auto-save as you make them. You can learn more about the variables available here.

Step 2. On the "Follow-ups" tab, you can edit or generate new follow-ups, including adding or removing follow-ups as needed. If you add a follow-up, you will have the option to have Teamable generate a follow-up for you or write your own.

Step 3. On the "Replies" tab, you can edit and toggle on/off the positive, not interested, and out of office replies. You can also edit the content of these automated replies.

Step 4. On the "Settings" tab, you can adjust when messaging is sent out, who sends messages, who handles replying, and what type of email finding you prefer.

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