Updating a Candidate Status Manually
Teamable will automatically track candidate outreach sequences, responses and general activity. Check out Candidate Statuses and Activities for more information on different candidate statuses. If a candidate is in the interview process or their status has changed outside of Teamable, you can manually update their status in your hiring pipeline. Manually updating the status will stop all outreach and follow-ups.
The following manual candidate status options are available:
- Hired
- Offer
- Interviewing
- Replied Positive
- Failed interview
- Candidate Withdrew
- Rejected Prior to Interview
- Not Interested
- Not Interested - Do not contact
- Awaiting Reply
Updating a Candidate Status Manually
Step 1. Find the candidate whose status you want to update and select "More actions" on their candidate card.
Step 2. Select "Update status".
Step 3. A menu to change the candidate status will pop-up. Select the drop-down arrow to choose a status option.
Step 4. Select "Save" to update the status.