Why are my messages not being sent? The status still says "Sourced"!

After a candidate has been saved, there may additional steps and processing that is required for the Candidate outreach sequence to occur.

  • Candidate Review - Based on the Campaign settings, the candidate is being reviewed by a Team Member or by the Campaign Owner.
  • Teamable at Work - Teamable is processing the candidate's information and validating the candidate identity, details and email address.
  • Draft - The email is currently sitting in the Sender’s Inbox Drafts folder ready to send.
  • Awaiting Next Sendable Day - The candidate email will go out on the next business day or day based on the Settings > "Send On" days in the Campaigns.
  • Intro Requested - A team member has requested an introduction for a referral request from a current employee on your team.

Sourced - Stopped

The candidate email thread was not processed and not reached and all subsequent campaign follow ups will not go out.

  • Stopped - Rejected - During Candidate Review, the Reviewer rejected the candidate.
  • Stopped - Couldn’t Process - Teamable could not find a valid email or stopped the messaging due to GDPR or privacy/opt-out protections. To take action on candidates when no valid email contact was found, you can find a "No email" tab under the actionable "To Do" section of a job.
  • Stopped - Bounced - Teamable reached the candidate but the email was not valid.
  • Stopped - Draft Deleted - The email was deleted in the Drafts folder.
  • Stopped - Intro Failed - A introduction for a referral request was not successful.

For more details on an individual the candidate status, you can hover or click on the candidate status and a pop-up with the Candidate's status will appear.


Select the Candidate's individual name. The Candidate's Profile Card, under the History tab, will show a detailed view of the Candidate's status as well.

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