Rejecting Candidates with an ATS Rejection/Archive Reason

When rejecting an applicant or a candidate that was sent to review, you can select a reject reason ingested from your ATS.

Rejecting Candidates and Applicants with an ATS Rejection Reason

Step 1. Navigate to the applicant or candidate you want to reject.

Step 2. On the right side of the candidate card, select the drop-down arrow next to "Reject".

The Top 4 reasons in your ATS will be displayed on the drop-down menu.

For more reasons, continue to Step 3.

Step 3. Select "Show all reasons" for a pop-up menu to display all available rejection reasons from your ATS. You can type or scroll down the option menu to find and select your reason.

Step 4. Select your reason and select "Reject"

Your chosen rejection reason will be pushed to the ATS accordingly.

Viewing Rejected Applicants

Check out this article on viewing rejected applicants.

Viewing Reject Reasons on an Applicant in Teamble

You can view the chosen ATS Reject Reason on rejected candidates and applicants in two places on the candidate slideout:

  1. Under the "History" tab

  1. In the Notes under the "CRM" tab

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