Inbound FAQs

  1. How do I get or enable Inbound?

Reach out to your Account Manager to see if your Plan qualifies for the Inbound product and they will enable the feature for you.

The Inbound feature is available to teams with an integrated ATS on a Premium plan.

  1. Do I need to set up anything to get an Inbound campaign?

If your Team already has their ATS integrated with Teamable, then there is no additional setup required. You may need to update your ATS API Key to ensure you have the latest Inbound permissions.

  1. I can’t find my applicants. How can I view Inbound applicants for my Job?

To view applicants in a Job, you will need to be assigned as a Reviewer. Find your Job, and set yourself as a Reviewer in the Job Settings.

  1. Who sends the outreach to Inbound applicants?

Any Reviewer (including an Admin) who is accepting or rejecting applicants will be the Sender in the outreach sent to applicants. If you wish to disable any message sent to applicants that are approved or rejected, see our article on Approval and Rejection Templates.

  1. What happens when I approve an applicant?

Selecting the “Send” button marks the applicant as approved and sends the approval template message, if enabled. 

  • What Happens in Teamable: When you approve an applicant, Teamable will convert them to a Candidate and that Candidate will now appear in the Job and the Campaign tab under “Candidates”.
  • What Happens in Greenhouse/Lever: When you approve an applicant, Greenhouse will move the candidate onto the next stage. This will depend on the job stages set up in Greenhouse and Lever.
    • Greenhouse by default, the next stage is the Preliminary Phone Screen
    • Lever by default, the next stage is Phone screen.
  1. What happens when I reject an applicant?

Selecting the “Reject” button marks the applicant as rejected (if Greenhouse)/archived (if Lever) and sends the rejected template message, if enabled. You will be required to select a rejection/archive reason ingested from your ATS. For more information on using Rejection/Archive Reasons check out this article.

  • What Happens in Teamable: When you reject an applicant, they will be hidden from both the Job Candidates tab and Campaign Candidates tab. If you would like to view rejected applicants, check out this article.
  • What Happens in Greenhouse/Lever:
    • Greenhouse: When you reject an applicant, they are also rejected in Greenhouse with a message that states "Rejected via Teamable".
    • Lever: When you reject an applicant, they are archived in Lever with a message that states "Archived" with the archive reason available.
  1. How does the ranking work?

The ranking system works by looking at existing interviewing and hired candidates in your ATS, as well as candidates that have been saved for later, previously approved, and reached out to using Teamable (Outbound campaigns) and then finds the applicants that most closely match those profiles.

  1. My rejected candidates disappeared! How do I view the rejected applicants?

When you reject an applicant, they will be hidden from both the Job Candidates tab and Campaign Candidates tab. You will be able to search for the rejected Applicants by using the global Candidates tab on the main page and selecting the “Interested - Inbound Rejected” Candidate status filter OR search for them individually in the search box.

  1. What about Inbound metrics? What about diversity metrics?

Additional metrics are in development!

  1. How do I provide feedback?

You can reach out to your Account Manager directly and the message will be forwarded to the Product team.

For any additional questions, reach out to your Account Manager or

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