Integrating Greenhouse with Teamable

The bi-directional sync feature is available to users on the Essential, Plus, and Premium plans.

Integrating Greenhouse with Teamable allows for a more seamless candidate management experience. Teamable will automatically push candidates to Greenhouse as you source them and will help identify duplicate candidates against candidates your team has already contacted.

By harnessing AI technology, Teamable's applicant review process is designed to bring the most qualified candidates to the forefront.

Teamable and Greenhouse have a bi-directional sync that will automatically:

  • Add Greenhouse Jobs as Teamable Jobs
  • Add reached candidates to Greenhouse
  • Update candidate status and stage in Greenhouse (based on interest level)
  • De-duplicate contacted candidates and notify your Team's users of prior correspondence with candidates
  • Allow processing of Inbound Applicants on Jobs directly in Teamable with our AI overlay *for users on the Premium plans only
  • Stay up to date with funnel progression and diversity with Teamable Greenhouse Reporting


If you need greater Greenhouse developer permissions - see here.

Creating the Greenhouse Harvest API Key

Step 1. In your Greenhouse instance, at the top-right of page, select the Configure cog icon.

Step 2. Under the Configure sidebar, scroll down and select "Dev Center".

Step 3. Select the "API Credential Management" link.

Step 4. At the top-right of the page, "Create New API Key" button.

Step 5. Select "Harvest" in the API Type drop-down menu and "Teamable" in the Partner drop-down menu. Then select "Manage Permissions".

The Partner API key automatically selects the right permissions for seamless integration.

Step 6. Once the key has been created, select "Copy" to copy the key. Be sure to store the key in a secure place, as you will not be able to copy the key again. Then select "Close" or "I have stored the API Key".

Step 7. With the copied API key from Greenhouse, go to the Teamable site and at the top-right corner of the page, select your Profile Photo. Then select "Settings".

Step 8. Select the "Integrations" tab, then under the "Select an ATS" section, select "Greenhouse".

Step 9. Paste the copied API key from Greenhouse into the "Your Greenhouse API Key" box. Please note, if you lost the key or did not store the key prior to this step, you will need to create a new API key.

Step 10. Once you have pasted the key, select "Save" and you're done!

It may take a few hours or up to 24 hours for Teamable to completely sync to your Greenhouse. Please contact for more details or if the sync takes longer than 24 hours.

Setting Up Greenhouse Logic in Teamable

Having the correct settings in Teamable will allow the integration with Greenhouse to be automatic and hands-off. Once you have added your API key, follow these next steps:

Step 1. On the Integrations Settings page, select the "Candidates as prospects" dropdown and select "Yes".

This will allow Teamable to add all candidates reached to your Greenhouse ATS as Greenhouse Prospects.

Step 2. Select the "Convert to candidate" dropdown and select "Yes".

This will allow Teamable to convert prospects to candidates in Greenhouse upon a positive reply for all new and future Jobs.

Step 3. Scroll down to "Stages" and select the stages that you want Teamable to record and calculate pass-through rates for.

Step 4. In the "Drag and drop the stages to match your team's workflow" section, drag and drop the correct order of your pipeline stages.

Once set up, this will allow Teamable to provide advanced reporting capabilities in the Reports tab.

Step 5. You have the option to select which ATS stage candidates are added to after conversion under "Candidate first stage". Otherwise, we will select "Application Review" as the default stage.

Viewing Greenhouse Metrics and Diversity in Reports

Step 1. Go to the Reports tab.

Step 2. Select the Greenhouse Metrics report to view your candidate pipelines metrics.

Optional: For more in depth data, such as URG (Underrepresented Groups) / Gender by candidate role, Sourcer, and more, visit the Diversity report.

For more information on how Diversity works in Teamable's reports, check out the article on Teamable and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

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