Detecting and Viewing Duplicate Candidates with Teamable

Detecting Duplicative Candidate Outreach with the Teamable Chrome Extension

When using the Chrome Extension, duplicate candidates will be identified by a yellow banner with a triangle and a date indicating that the candidate has been previously sourced by your team. Teamable detects the candidates conversation via your ATS, your Teamable Team account or through your own Gmail/Microsoft 365 email account. 

Re-engaging Duplicative Candidates in the Teamable Chrome Extension

If you would still like to reach out to the candidate even when they have be previously connected with you or another Teammate, select the checkbox "Proceed" after clicking the "Send" button to start the campaign sequence. 

This logic also applies to Jobs/Campaigns with Reviewers or Referral requests.

Viewing the Previous Outreach in the Teamable Chrome Extension

If someone has reached out to the candidate via Teamable, the Job name, the name of the Teammate who contacted the candidate, the candidate's outreach status, the date reached and the JobURL will appear once you click the alert. 

You can select the "See history" option to see the exact Campaign and messaging used to contact the candidate most recently

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