Finding and Re-engaging Unresponsive Candidates

Teamable helps you keep track of candidate responses so you can re-connect with candidates who have not responded to your messages. You can simply set up a new messaging campaign to be used for reengagement, filter the unresponsive candidates from a former campaign, and then send out your new messaging to all the candidates again.

Finding Unresponsive Candidates in a Specific Job or Campaign

Step 1. Go to your Jobs or Campaigns tab, find and select your Job or Campaign.

Step 2.

Under a Job, you'll select the Pipeline tab and look at 'Reached'.

Under a Campaign, you'll select the Candidates tab on the top bar.

Step 3. Select the "Candidate Status" filter. Choose the options "Reached" and "No Reply" to filter on candidates that have no responded to the outreach.

Step 4. You may want to consider other filters under the "All filters" option. This includes all of the filters you're used to using across the platform; however, particularly relevant for reengagement, consider using the "Date last activity" filter. This is the date or date range that a candidate was last messaged via Teamable.

Finding all Unresponsive Candidates Across Your Entire Team

Step 1. Select the CRM tab on the side menu.

Step 2. Select the "No response" submenu to automatically filter all candidates in your Team that have not responded to a Teamable outreach.

Filtering Candidates by Criteria

You can further narrow down and target specific candidates by filtering on  Job, Campaign or any other criteria.

Step 1. Select any of the filter options at the top menu or the "All Filters" option.

  • For example, you can also use the "Has the text" filter to target candidates by adding keywords like Javascript and/or React. You can add multiple keywords by adding space between them.

Step 2. To remove any filters, simply select the X next to the filter.

Check out the article on Using Filters more information on each filter.

Re-engaging Selected Candidates

Final Step. Once you have narrowed down your target candidates, check out the article on Re-engaging Candidates for the next steps.

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