Release Note 9/14/23 - Rejection Reasons for Teams with the Inbound and "About Me" in Candidate Profiles now available!

Inbound updates

Greenhouse Teams with the Inbound product enabled can now sync their Rejection Reasons to Teamable! We will be bringing this to all Teams soon.

Please note that your Teamable Teams may not have the correct permission for Reject Reasons to work. Your Team Admin will need to generate a new Teamable API key with the GET: List Rejection Reasons permission. To generate a new key, check out the article on Integrating with Greenhouse.

Teamable Admins need to manually enable the setting on their Settings > Integration page under the Greenhouse Stages section.

More information on setting up and getting started: Rejecting Applicants with an ATS Rejection Reason

General Updates

About Me Added to the Candidate Detail Slideout:

If there is an “About me” available for a candidate, we have added this content to the candidate’s details. This means it can also be used to search and recommend candidates based on the detail of the content.

Arrow Controls to Scroll Between Candidates

You can now use ← → arrows on your keyboard to scroll between candidates when reviewing them within the detail slideout. For anyone who manages much of their workflow from the keyboard, this will help upgrade your candidate review experience.

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