Release Note 5/9/24 - Job List Enhancements

Better candidate counts across channels:

We are now showing more than just Outbound candidate counts on the job page.

  1. You'll be able to see pending profiles which include candidates pending review and candidates that have been saved for later.
  2. You'll be able to see the number of currently pending Inbound Applicants.
  3. You'll be able to see counts of recruiter intro requests and successful Referrals.

Clicking an arrow will show you a conversion rate.

Customize what you see!

Selecting the arrow just below the 'New job' button will allow you to customize what you see on each job. Simply select or deselect a checkbox next a count to include or remove it from your Jobs list. You can also click a property or count to sort the Jobs list according to that property or count.

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