Release Note 3/18/24 - Sourcing Updates

Inbound - Ability to choose senders for approval and rejection messages

You can now choose a sender for Inbound approval and rejection messages. The sender no longer needs to be the reviewer; however, this option remains available. The following people can be selected as senders: Admin users and the job's Inbound reviewers and primary recruiter.

If you wish to send messages from a non-personal email address, such as, simply create a Teamable account with that email address. Then, assign the account as either an Inbound reviewer or Admin, and you'll be all set!

Keywords - Recent employments only

It is now possible to specify keywords that apply only to candidates' recent employment history. This means we will display candidates who have the applicable keywords in their last three employments and in the past five years.

New filters available

We have introduced new filters in Sourcing: Education degree and field of study.

Calibration candidates - Easy add/remove

We have made an adjustment to allow for a more straightforward process when adding and removing calibration candidates. You can now easily click 'Refresh to apply changes' once you are finished making changes.

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