Release Note 8/11/23 - Applicant & AI Sourcing Updates

AI Sourcing (Outbound) Updates:

Infinite Scroll & Pool Size Reference(s):

  • We have updated the candidate list view to be an infinite scroll (was previously limited to a specific count of candidates).
  • The overall candidate pool size has now been made available at the top of the candidate list view & the candidate detailed slideout:
    • If the pool size exceeds 5,000 candidates, the notation will be as follows:

    • If the pool size is 5,000 candidates or below, Teamable will display the exact candidate pool size count:

Candidate Refresh Controls

  • Because we have adopted an infinite scroll approach to listing prospective candidates, we have added intuitive controls to refresh the candidate list at your discretion. These controls exist in both the list and detailed candidate views. Why do you need these?
    • As you provide feedback on the candidates you’re reviewing, our AI engine is automatically calibrating changes to your preferences.
    • Any time we learn something new, we will give you an opportunity to fresh the list of candidates to include all the new information our AI is using to get you the best candidates at the top of the list!

Inbound & Applicant Review Updates:

Applicant Review

  • Any applications that are now a result of a referral made within Teamable with be included in your applicant review list with the appropriate Applicant Source referenced in the candidate card header.

If you have any questions/feedback, feel free to contact us at!

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