Requesting an Intro

You can request an intro from someone in your network through the Teamable website or via the Chrome extension. 

Intro Request via Teamable

Step 1. Identify the candidate you want to be introduced to. Select the "Recruit" button on the right side of their candidate card.

Step 2. Select the outreach campaign that will be used as a fallback message if an intro is not successful.

Step 3. Under the "Request intro" tab, check the boxes next to the employees you'd like to request an intro from. Then select the "Request intro" button on the bottom right.

Intro Request via Chrome Extension

Step 1. Select the outreach campaign that will be used as a fallback message if an intro is not successful.

Step 2. Select "Get in touch"

Step 3. Check the boxes next to the employees you'd like to request an intro from. Then select the "Request intro" button on the bottom right.

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