Viewing all Teamable candidate emails in the Gmail Inbox

You can view all your Teamable outreach in your Gmail inbox by accessing the Teamable label in your Labels section.

Viewing Teamable Outreaches in the Gmail Inbox

Step 1. In your Gmail inbox, select "More" under the "Labels" section. By default Gmail hides your Teamable label.

Step 2. Select the "Teamable" label to view the Teamable outreaches.

You will be able to view all the Teamable outreaches and the Teamable logo will be visible on every outreach.

You can add the Teamable to your main Label List, so you do not have to select "More" every time.

Step 1. Hover over the ellipses (three dots) on the Teamable label.

Step 2. Under "In label list", select "Show".

Optional: Under "In message list", select "Show".

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