Moving a Campaign to Another Job

You can seamlessly move a Campaign to a different Job if you accidentally created the Campaign in the wrong Job or if you want to keep the same Campaign in a different Job. Please note that moving campaigns will not associate candidates already reached by Teamable from the current Job to the new Job in your ATS. You will need to manually associate the candidates to the new job requisition in your ATS. New candidates reached after moving the Campaign will be tied to the new Job and linked to the new job requisition. 

Moving a Campaign to Another Job

Step 1. When viewing any campaign, select the ellipsis (three dots) on the top-right side of the page and select "Move".

Step 1.1. This action can also be done from the Campaign list in a Job. Select the ellipsis on the right of a Campaign and then select "Move".

Step 2. Choose which Job to move the Campaign to.

Toggle ON and enable "Mine only" to select your own Job. Toggle OFF and disable "Mine only" to select a teammate's Job

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