Setting Reminders to Re-engage Candidates Later

The Remind Me option in the Candidate Card will allow you to set a reminder (1 week, 1 month, 3 months, etc.) to reach back out to a candidate. This is useful when a candidate is interested, but would like to wait to continue the conversation at a later time. 

If you want to restart the outreach to a prospective candidate that you have stopped outreach for, we recommend creating a separate campaign that re-engages them. Refer to the article on re-engaging candidates for more information.

Setting a Reminder for an Individual Candidate

Set "Remind Me" via Candidate tab

Step 1a. Filter and find the candidate you want to set the reminder on. 

Step 1a-2. On the Candidate Card, select the "More actions" dropdown, then select "Remind Me".

Step 1b. Alternatively, select the candidate's name. On the Candidate Profile Card, select the "More actions" dropdown on the left side.

Step 1b-2. Select "Remind Me".

Step 2. On the "Remind Me" menu, select the time frame you want to be reminded about the candidate. You can also select a specific date.

Step 3. Select one of the following reasons:

  • Candidate requested to contact them later
  • Save for future job openings
  • More time in the industry is needed
  • More time in the current role is needed

Step 4. Select "Remind me later".

Setting Bulk Reminders for Candidates

Step 1. Find and select check boxes for the candidates you want to set reminders for.

Step 2. Select the ellipsis at the top of the page, then select "Remind Me".

Removing a Reminder

Step 1. On the Candidate Profile Card, select the CRM tab.

Step 2. Scroll down to the Reminders section on the bottom-right corner and select the "X" next to the reminder you want to remove.

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