Adjusting the Access and Visibility of a Job

Please note, the Job's Access settings does not give Teammates the ability to source/save candidate into Campaigns where they are not the Campaign Owner. The Access settings also does not give Teammates the ability to 'send-on-behalf-of' or SOBO as another Teammate. However, both the creator and the sender of a Campaign are able to view the Campaign under "Mine Only" and the sender is automatically able to source into the Campaign.

The sourcing and 'send as' permissions are located in the User Settings page. Check out Sending on behalf of or sending as my teammate or hiring manager (SOBO) for details on the features.

Adjusting the Access and Visibility of a Job

Step 1. Find your Job and select the "Configuration" tab.

Step 2. Under the Access section, you have the following options:

Public - All Teammates on your Team account will be able to view and access the Job. Anyone can make referrals to the Job.

Recruiting Portal only - Only Teammates with the Recruiter role can view and access the Job. Intro requests can be requested but Teammates with the Employee role cannot initiate referrals. *Please note that this setting is visible only to customers that use the referral feature.

Private - Only the Job Owner and selected Teammates can view and access the Job. If a job is open and public in the ATS, you cannot restrict visibility in Teamable.

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